Manga Review 002
“Wave Listen to Me!” Volume 1
Story and Art by Hiroaki Samura
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We’ve all had crazy nights in our 20’s. The kind where we go to the bar after a break up, strike up a conversation with a stranger, spill our gut felt emotions all over them, somehow make it home only to hear our drunken confession over the radio while at work the next day.
Well, for 25 year old Minare Koda this is the start of what will prove itself to be a wild ride into a new career for her. In the spirit of trying to stay as spoiler free as possible, I can’t really tell too much of what happens. BUT if anyone wants that version of the review I’ll write it. The first chapter of the story really does grab you by the collar and demands to be heard. This makes perfect sense given that it was created by the legendary artist Hiroaki Samura the creator of “Blade of the Immortal”.
For me the driving forces behind why I instantly feel in love with this series is the sketchy line quality of the panels, the pacing of the chapters, and the facial expressions are whatever the manga equivalent of sakuga in anime is called.
The overall story to me is really a slice of life tale but those three elements take what would be an ordinary day to new heights of drama.
Plus Minare is a lovable mess at times so it’s relatable.
At the time of writing this post, there are nine volumes of this manga translated into English.
If you haven’t checked out “Wave Listen to Me” yet, hear me out…its worth the read.
Until next time, thanks for stopping by, leave a comment about this manga or a suggestion of what to read next, and have a great day!